Xero Integration
Integrate Xero with Halo to streamline your billing and customer management.


Integrate Xero with Halo software to streamline your billing and customer management.


Integration Type

Linked Guides / Articles

Integration Features

Enabling the Module

To enable the Xero integration, go to Configuration > Integrations > Billing, and enable the module using the plus icon in the top right hand corner of the menu icon. Once the module has been enabled, click the menu icon to begin configuring it.

Xero Tenants

Halo allows you to connect to multiple Xero tenants. Once connected to a tenant, you will be able to configure tax rates, customers, items and suppliers. You will also be able to sync any changes to customers, items, suppliers, invoices and purchase orders from Halo to Xero.

Before configuring any of the general settings for this integration, you must first connect to at least one Xero tenant. Click the Xero tenants button to start this process.

Connecting to Xero

Start by creating a new Xero connection. First you must specify a sensible name for the connection. It is recommended that you use your company name that you will be connecting to, as this name will be displayed throughout the Halo application in different places.

Once a sensible name has been chosen, click the Connect Now button to begin the authorization process with Xero. You will be redirected to the Xero login screen to log in to Xero. Once logged in, you will be asked to choose which tenant you would like to connect to. Once you have confirmed a tenant, you will be redirected back to the Xero connection you started setting up in Halo. Providing there were no issues with your authentication, extra options will now be available on the setup screen.

IMPORTANT: Once connected, remember to save the connection in Halo. If you complete the connection process without saving the connection, then the connection will remain in an disconnected state.