Linking Products to Assets - HALO

Linking Products to Assets

In this lesson we will cover:

– How to set a linked asset type for serialised assets.

– How to create serialised assets.

Setting a linked asset type for serialised assets

Fig 1. You can set a Linked Asset Type for Serialized Assets, this allows you to select an Asset Tag when consigning or receiving stock for the product and converting to an Asset

Creating serialised assets.

To decide when the serialising occurs you can set a default in Configuration > Items and Stock Control the setting is:

Fig 2. Create Serialised Assets

Fig 2. When consigning products that have a linked Asset Type you will be asked to Serialise each Asset. This will convert the Products to Assets. If the Asset already exists then an existing Asset can be used. You can browse stock to link to existing (already serialised) Assets

Fig 3. The newly created Assets will be taken out of stock – the existing Assets will be created and can be found under the Assets tab for the client

Note: There may be a column on the sales order for "Consigned Products". This is simply the count of products that have been consigned and the quantity on the sales order, i.e. 4/10 would mean 4 items have been consigned out of a possible quantity of 10, 10 being the quantity of HP Laptops set on the sales order.


Fig 4. Existing Assets were moved to the client from your Assets list

Fig 5. All Assets are consigned to the correct client