Important Users/Customers - HALO

Important Users/Customers

In this guide we will cover:

– Marking a Customer as Important

– Configuring VIP Popups

– Ticket Rules with Important Customer/User

– VIP Users as Site Contacts

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Marking a Customer as Important

In the Customers area, select a customer and Edit. Scroll until you see a checkbox called "Important Customer" and turn this on. This will either be in the right hand side, or in a "Details" tab along the top. This will also show a star icon in the top right of the customer's logo.

Fig 1. Marking a customer as important.

Configuring VIP Popups

In Configuration > Tickets > General Settings, enable "Display popup if End-User is a VIP or Service User".

Fig 2. Enabling popups.

An end-user can be marked as important (VIP) from this checkbox in the "Permissions" tab.

Fig 3. This User is an Important contact checkbox in Permissions tab.

This can also be done with a user role in Configuration > Users > User Roles, and then assigning the role to each user you wish to make an important contact.

Fig 4. User role.

This popup will then appear in the bottom left when either logging tickets or viewing tickets logged by a VIP user. When searching for a user to log the ticket against, important users will appear higher in the list. They will also have the star icon next to their profile picture like customers do.

Fig 5. End-User is a VIP popup on ticket logging screen.

Ticket Rules with Important Customer/User

Ticket rules can have criteria of an important user or an important customer. This will allow the ability to update the ticket fields such as team, status or SLA.

Ticket rules can be created in Configuration > Tickets > Rules.

This is a useful feature for escalating tickets to treat it as a higher priority if the customer/user who logged it is a VIP.

Fig 6. Important Customer and Important User ticket rule criteria.

The criteria can also be based on your own configured customer relationships – either be "Is equal to", "Has a value", "Does not have a value", "Includes" (v2.176.1), and "Does not include", and then can choose one or more.

You can learn how to configure these with the "Customer Relationships Setup" guide linked at the top of this article.

Customer relationships can be useful to split VIP customers into groups for instance. You may have a group of VIPs due to being high-value customers, and another who are retention efforts and require more time to retain them happily. Using the relationships feature will allow you to separate these customers and target each group more effectively.

VIP Users as Site Contacts

Users marked as an important contact will also become listed as "Site Contacts" in the address book.

On an email action, click the "To" to open the address book.

Fig 7. Opening the address book on an email action.

This popup will then show. Changing the dropdown to "Site Contacts" shows the name and email address of any important contacts at the site associated with the ticket. This is useful for CCing in these users on important emails.

Fig 8. List of site contacts in the address book.