Halo provides a world class end-to-end help desk system with KashFlow Integration. The integration with KashFlow allows you to bill for Time, Materials and Contracts. The integration is 2-way, so with the one-click KashFlow set-up wizard, for easy import of data.
You can retrieve all of your Customer and Service Items details from your KashFlow database (on a read-only basis), and import them straight into the Halo database, at a click of a button.
Once this is done, Halo knows exactly where to inject data back out into KashFlow invoices. This kind of integration is second to none, and allows you and your team to bill for time, materials and contracts in a billing report run, that you run at your own discretion.
The functionality has been recently improved even further, to include Out of Hours Multipliers, as well as the rounding of time. If you have different rates for different Customers, based on contracts or service level agreements, you can build these in as well. We’ve worked closely with KashFlow to ensure a completely template based descriptions on KashFlow invoices comes directly from Halo, saving time and administrative burden.
Throughout the program, there are ways to capture elements of your business that may be billable to your Customers.